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LUX Opus


Relying on time-tested business practices in an ever-evolving industry.

We are a vertically integrated company with a mission to revolutionize the building and construction industry. Our goal is to provide sustainable and environmentally-friendly building materials to help reduce the carbon footprint of our communities. By utilizing the versatile and fast-growing hemp plant, we are committed to producing high-quality, eco-friendly building materials that will support a greener future and improve the health and comfort of the people who live and work in the buildings we construct.

Our vertically integrated business model allows us to control every aspect of the production process, from seed to finished product. This ensures we can maintain the highest quality standards while minimizing our carbon footprint by reducing transportation and energy costs. Using hemp-based materials in construction can replace traditional, toxic materials that contribute to indoor air pollution and environmental degradation.

At Lux Opus, we believe that the future of construction lies in sustainable building materials, and we are proud to lead the charge toward a greener tomorrow. With our innovative and environmentally-friendly products, we are poised to impact the planet, one building at a time positively.

Hemp Insulation


10 Pie Recipes to Try This Fall 

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Hemp Insulation


A Pasta Hack That Will Transport You to Rome

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Hemp Insulation


The Health Benefits of Drinking Tea Daily 

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Hemp Insulation


Creative Salad Ideas for the Veggie Lover

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Lux Vision

LUX Vision

Relying on time-tested business practices in an ever-evolving industry

We see hemp as the commodity of the future and are excited to participate in what we believe is another Golden Age.  The hemp plant’s history is something we hold very dear to our hearts, and we see hemp as being viable in nearly every sector from pharmaceuticals to textiles to building materials, bio-fuels and plastics.

Our direct connections in the marketplace open elusive doors for our clients, providing access to local, domestic and international material across the product spectrum.  We emphasize transparency and integrity to build meaningful, long-term relationships with groups positioned anywhere along the hemp value chain from pre-harvest activities thru bulk retail.

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© 2018 by Lux Opus, LLC

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